ok here goes...
well, when i first finish i would like to work in a practice for a year or two to get some experience. and while im working i would like to study "emergency care and treatment" that only very few vets in sydney have qualifications for. i would like to specialise in any of the following areas:
- digestive or urinary system (which i think are the most crucial body systems considering the amount of work they have to do every day)
- pocket pets (rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, ferrets) coz not a great deal is known about them (poor fragile little things)
- birds
- wildlife
so once im qualified in emergency care, i would like to start working in an emergency centre, specialising in any of the above.
during summer, i want to travel to asia and africa and work voluntarily with welfare associations to help with rescues, desexing, wildlife, etc.
eventually, i would like to open my own practice (i like the idea of being my own boss)
eventually, i would also like to do Masters or PhD