Genius, Mike.
Just to clarify, this was my stance on his statement as I read it:
Victor Ma:
1. Scholarships. As far as I'm aware, Macquarie as a university does not offer any scholarsihps based on financial difficulties. Individual departments/divisions/centres/scholarship funds etc may, but the university (and hence Victor) has never created a tertiary-wide scholarship for hard-done-by students.
Equity scholarships are arranged by the
federal government and have nothing to do with Victor or the university. Students apply directly to the DEST, not through the uni.
To the best of my knowledge, the three main groups of scholarships inside the university are sporting scholarships, academic scholarships awarded by the university (namely innovation and super innovation), and scholarships awarded by the department. Usually, departmental/etc scholarships, which are funded by a benefactor, whether it's one person or a group, take into account only academic merit.
2. More parking spaces. This is simple pig-trough politics. He is appealing for what he sees as easy votes, when a) he cannot provide the service, and b) he will not provide the service. Every year, I believe he says the same thing. No more carparks than any other year!
That being said, carspots should
NOT be a political platform. To all you whingers out there: Get at uni earlier or later. Do not pretend that millions of dollars on new parks would be better than millions of dollars funding scholarships, building new rooms, fitting out the library, constructing new foodcourt areas, etc.
3. Lobby Co-Op. Nice try. (As above), except I think that lower prices would be nice. However, it's not going to happen. I don't even think he gives a shit about Co-op prices. I highly doubt that he could do anything, considering the Co-op grips all our balls with an iron fist.
4. Refurbish SAM Courtyard. Well we all know that the courtyard is owned by SAM. This is a statement for the University Council, not SAM. Quite illogical.
Then again, he does sign the paper with 'SAM President'.
5. HECS increase. Am I missing something, or did that big fat increase which hit me on the head not happen?
Nick Mueller:
Well Nick has a quality, German name. He's hot, he bicycles around uni, and he's one of the nicest, most sincere chaps I've met.
He has one platform, and it's a realistic platform with him actually going for the council: Environmental issues.
He has several points.
1. Accountability,
2. apathy with students,
3. simple initiatives,
4. actually saving money.
He doesn't seem ridiculously Green, like that loser Tim Hendry, but rather pragmatic and moderate.
I'd rather have one thing addressed than all these empty promises. Rather than hoping Victor will do all this shit for us, let's vote in Nick and and see what we can do with him.