sorry, didnt see this....
what do you want to know specifically? i dont want ot rant on about something and not answer your question? i mean what is the course like...i mean you go to lectures.tutes, do readings assignments, groups etc.
btu wha tyou learn will depend...i am doing a bizmgmt at uws and it goes through basic stuff in first year accg/mktg/and foundation managment stuff like decision making and HR/IR/ER, second year gets you along with entrepreneurship, organsiational strucutre, org behaviour (how peopel awork in orgs today and how to managem them), and hten gets more theoretical and stuff with current issues, business policies and businesses roles in society, strategic + international management.
Its an alright course to me, im just feeling lousy since i cant do a major only a sub major since i trasnferred but its meant to be majored with something else such as mktg, hr, tourism, hospitality etc. [uws anyway].
hope it helps