Riviet said:
In addition to what everyone else has said, motors have caused unemployment in industries with jobs have been replaced by infrastructure and machines, this mainly occurring in the unskilled jobs. This is also related to the fact that technological improvements in society have caused increased unemployment in these type of industries.
and continuing on from there, in response, both government and businesses have done 2 positive things:
1) provided retraining for retrenched employees so that they are again, skilled to carry out other jobs, and from there,
2) opened up new markets for some of those newly skilled people - examples would include IT, healthcare, etc...mainly services based. another good example is the employment of engineers and scientists in the car manufacturing setting to test the car's performance, comfort, etc...
THUS this also opened up the need for motors also to operate these industries. an example would about the large machinery in hospitals, like CAT machines, MRI machines, centrifuges, etc...(those who will be doing medical physics option topic will understand more of this).
this again, calls for the need for more high-end products, which further increases the demand for more motors to operate machinery to manufacture those necessary parts --> thus, as ive stated before, we have become inseperable from motors as ever before, as much as we are inseperable from the need for basic necessities, e.g. water, shelter, food, electricity - in essense, motors and generators in general have become a basic necessity of human civilisation.
yes, its late in the night, and i have ranted, but please, do take what you need from my ramblings.
hope these help, M.D.