MQ Masters course - Evidence of Completion for Bachelor degree?? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 21, 2014

I recently received an offer to study a Masters course at Macquarie, however the offer is conditional, meaning that I have to submit evidence of the completion of my Bachelors degree before i can enrol in any units. This is a bit of a problem as i don't actually finish studying my current course at UNE until February 9, with marks being released on Feb. 20. Session 1 at MQ starts on Feb. 23. What is the likelihood of MQ letting me enrol in units on the proviso that I submit the evidence as soon as I can?

I was also thinking that I could ask UNE if they could forward my marks onto MQ as soon as they're released or even get the Head of School to write a letter once my final assignments are marked (which will be late Jan.) stating that I've completed all the units i need for course completion (I don't have any exams so I don't need to wait for those results).

Does any one have any experience with this kind of issue or have any advice as to what to do? I know I could start later in the year but I've been working towards this for so long and I'm honestly just really excited to start.

Thanks :)

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