why dont u think its enough? ...do u think ur not covering all the pts?
if so, then go for another textbook.
the leading edge ones are alrightie, and the syks and codsi one is not too bad either. The Chapman prob has the most info, though you dont need half of the textbook.
with biz dont get caught up on the details, just remember the big framework... other than summarising notes, you can do the following:
- read the glossary and know wot the terms means.... i memorised the whole 10 pages of glossary, i did it not by remembering word for word, but i rmembered the key word/s that associate with that paritcular term. don't try to memorise all of them if you have a bad memory or dont have time, just remember the key words that always pop up and from those terms learn to distinguish eg: difference between derivities and a debenture etc. I was able to remember the whole glossay because i started earli,
- do lots of praticie reports, you will find as time goes on that writing report is just like re-writing the textbook in simpler format with more diagrams. biz report praticialli regergitates the textbook, this is da case for section 3
- section 4 - section 3 book regergitated info + case study. This is where you have to be realli familiar with ur case study. hence when ur writing ur notes, thing how does your case study relate to this. eg: for the 4 Ps, how does your biz appraoch each P? ... if you don't know, try to imagine a reaonsable response or seek further help by research or contacting the orgainisation (though they often dont know the answer to a specific question)
- do heapz of practice papers.
- when u get a short answer question, first identify what topic it is in, and how mani marks, if its asking for the marketing strategies and is worth 4 marks, you should instantli identify its asking for the 4 Ps. (4 key words = 4 marks).
if its a more general question such as:
Analyse the strategies Sydney PTY LTD can adopt if it is experiencing very high staff absenteeism and very low productivity
Then these are the key things you can talk about:
Staff Absteeism
Management should conduct interviews with staff, in which, they clearly state the code of conduct, code of ethics and share the businesss vision and mission with the staff.
Staff who are high in absenteeism will be warned with a letter of reprimand. The interview can also be used to identify the main causes of absenteeism and solutions will be reviewed.
Low Productivity
In improving low productivity, management should change the autocratic leadership style to a participative or democratic style. Managers should emphasise on their interpersonal role by motivating staff through rewards (there is a graph in the Chapman book with details abt both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards - use that graph), eg: Employee of the Month Awards. Overall, Sydneys must establish a high esprit de corps. This could be achieved by identifying the change agents. Management should also adopt a geocentric approach in the workforce to nourish and encourage higher employees skills.
this example is a lil excessive for a short answer question, but say if that is worth 4 marks, you will def got full marks.
with ani topic, think of the key words for that topic and chuck in as mani key words as u can think of and present them in a logical manner. From the above, you can see i have pretty much added meat to the employment relations bit of the syllabus. I did that by firing all the biz terminology i know at the marker. This is where a good knowledge of key words really help.