Near East Past Paper Questions (1 Viewer)


is hating uni & study
May 29, 2003
on the dance floor with a bottle of tequila
Guys, I've decided to merge all the past paper question threads into one. So in this thread there will be Personality, Society and Period questions on the Near East. Please feel free to add ones that you have :)

1. Describe Xerxes' religion and his religious policy. (5 marks)
2. With reference to sources, discuss Xerxes' treatment of revolts in his empire. (10 marks)
3. Assess Xerxes' military career. (10 marks)

1. What did Xerxes owe to his family background? (5 marks)
2. Why did Xerxes attack the Greeks? How did he expect to defeat them? (8 marks)
3. Should Xerxes be remembered as a successful Persian king? Give reasons. (12 marks)

1. Outline the social position of Xerxes. (5 marks)
2. Explain Xerxes' administration of the Persian empire. (10 marks)
3. With reference to sources, assess the achievements of Xerxes. (10 marks)

1. Briefly describe Xerxes' family background and his rise to power. (5 marks)
2. Explain the purpose and extent of Xerxes' building program. (10 marks)
3. Evaluate the ancient or modern interpretations of Xerxes. (10 marks)

1. Briefly describe the succession of Xerxes as king of Persia. (5 marks)
2. With reference to sources, explain the organisation of the Persian army during Xerxes' reign. (10 marks)
3. Assess the achievements of Xerxes as a Persian king. (10 marks)

Persian Society during the time of Darius & Xerxes
a)Name two royal women. (2 marks)
b)Who was an immortal? (2 marks)
c)Describe the administration of the provinces. (5 marks)
d)Outline the main features of Persian architecture. (6 marks)
e)Explain the organisation of the Persian economy. (10 marks)

a)Name two provinces of the Persian empire. (2 marks)
b)What was Persepolis? (2 marks)
c)Describe the monetary system that existed in Persian society. (5 marks)
d)Outline the main features of Persian art. (6 marks)
e)With reference to source evidence, explain Persia’s policy towards the religions of its subject people. (10 marks)

a)Name TWO weapons used by the Persian army during this period. (2 marks)
b) What was sacral kingship? (2 marks)
c) Describe the roles of royal women in Persian society during this period. (5 marks)
d) Outline the main features of Persian provincial administration during this period. (6 marks)
e) Explain the main features of Persian architecture during this period. (10 marks)

BoS Past Papers
a) Name TWO provinces of the Persian Empire. 2
b) What was Persepolis? 2
c) Describe the monetary system that existed in Persian society. 5
d) Outline the main features of Persian art. 6
e) Explain Persia’s policy towards the religions of its subject peoples. 10

a) Name TWO capital cities of the Persian empire. 2
b)What was tribute? 2
c) Descibe the system of roads that existed during this period. 5
d) Outline the structure of Persian government in this period. 6
e) Explain the organisation of the Persian army during this period. 10

a) Name TWO neighbouring powers of the Persian empire. 2
b) Name TWO features of Persian religion. 2
c) Describe the main features of the Persian economy. 5
d) Outline the social structure of Persian society. 6
e) Explain the roles of the Persian King. 10

Persia from Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
1. Explain the role of the army in the Persian Empire during this period.
2. explain how the Persian kings defended and maintained their empire during this period.
3. account for the expansion of the Persian Empire during this period.
4. assess the significance of the achievements of Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II)
5. Analyse the religious policies and building programs of the Achaemenids.
6. Assess the impact of the hegemony of Macedon in Greece on the Persian Empire.
7. Explain the role of Persian satraps such as Tissaphernes and Pissuthnes, played in Persian foreign affairs
8. Explain the end of the Persian Empire
9. Assess the significance of the achievements of Darius I
10. Assess the significance of the methods of control in the Persian Empire
11. Account for the expansion of the Persian Empire in this period
12. Analyse Persia's interventions in 5th Century Greek politics and wars
13. Assess the extent to which the Achaemenid dynasty was weakened by conspiracies and usurpations in the 5th and 4th Century BC
14. Explain the organisation and administration of the Persian Empire
15. Analyse the role and impact of royal women and queen mothers during this period
16. Explain Persia's alliances and interventions in Greek politics and wars in the period of 449-336BC
17. Assess the role of satraps in foreign affairs
18. Assess the question of "decline" of the Persian Empire.
19. Explain the contribution of Egyptians and Babylonians to the Achaemenid Empire
20. Assess Artaxerxes as an Achaemenid king.
21. Analyse the role of satraps in Persian foreign policies.
22. Explain the domestic policies of the Achaemenid Empire
23. Explain the expansion of the Achaemenid Empire
24. Account for the fall of the Persian Empire
25. Assess the impact of Cambyses as a Persian king
26. Explain the administrative structure and management of the Persian Empire during this period.

(all 25 marks)
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