Our examiners are usually great, u can have drinks, and I'm assuming food (I did in bio), and they're really nice when they collect ur paper. Except during chemistry, one of the guy examiners, he have been sick or had a big night or something. He was breathing SO heavily, and a couple of times he half fell asleep, and was snoring! I could hear him, even when he was awake and at the front, even though I was at the very back! And then the other examiner would go and wake him up, and then she'd give him a lolly, and they were NOISY lollies!!! So annoying!
Still, my absolute worst experience with an examiner was at the half yearlies. My chem teacher came in to supervise the bio exam half was through, cos the other teacher had to go take a class. So what does he do? Comes up to me and starts telling me how badly I did in the Chem exam! I'm like "excuse me, trying to do an exam here!!!". Man I hate that guy!!!