alright. Heres a thing u should remember. Atoms form amino acids. Amino acids form polypeptides. Polypeptides form proteins. Basically, beadle and tatum thought that every gene (thus, one gene) lead directly to the formation of one protein (thus, one protein). However, (as u learned from protein synthesis processes) you would know that genes lead to the direct formaiton of polypeptides, not proteins. Proteins are indirectly formed, but this is a step later, when polypeptides themselves (produced from genes) are binded together to form protenis. So basically, beadle and tatum thought that every gene made one protein, but it was actually found that every gene made one polypeptide instead. Beadle and tatum wernt completely incorrect, cos these polypeptides (produced from the genes) do eventually form proteins, but they were one step ahead of themselves.