You shouldnt think of fusion as internet, is more like: awesome phone plan with internet tacked on.
iam on $129 fusion, we make $2000+ in phone calls a month. The good thing about the $129 is theres no excess, and it caps to 256k which means you arent fucked over wtf is this slow shit if you go over, and you arent charged $300 if you go over.
So yes at face value its a very good plan if you use the phone alot, only thing is
- dropout, slow at peak hour shit arse service: apparently this is localized to mine and only 2 or 2 other exchanges, but it pisses me off to no end
- uploads counted
- no offpeak
- optus phone monkeys are the least experienced, uneducated idiots who have no clue about how the internet or any hardware works at all, their customer service is appalling, it took me 2 months to get out of them that their hardware had a problem [my local exchange had too many ports or some shit],
before that they blamed my computer having viruses or my modem being poor quality. Fuck those fuckwits, they knew all along they had a problem but they acted as if they are that fucking brain dead, it took some genius at whirlpool to figure it out and there have like 200 complaints to the TIO about it.
So yeah if they fixed their service, which my exchange is schedualed to be mid june, everything should be sweet and i will be an okish happy customer, fusion is good value as long as you dont go over your limit and use the phone alot[and if you are $129, do whatever the fuck you want cause no excess charges and our capped speed is still pretty fast]
edit: i would not recommend TPG, they have had a history of dropouts, problems with playing games, shit service etc...if you are a gamer they are a bad idea, some with dodo, they are cheap for a reason and thats because they fucking suck. I have had extel before, awesome company, awesome limits and they KNOW THEIR SHIT, just dont go whining to them about anything because part of their business model is having customers that arent retards, if you are taking up customer service time they might let you go.
Who i have been with:
Extel:excellent in everything
iinet: never any problems at all, they were ok i guess. basically how the internet should be, you just connect it and thats it, not hear from them for years, you dont have to complain to your gas company every few months do you. internet is a service.
netspace: good limits, one or two small problems over like 5 years, great for gaming, lots of free downloads and free game servers, a bit too expensive though
ausdata solutions or some crap: no problems, cheap as piss, good limits, run by some guy in his garage i think lol. porbably not operating any more, but he was great to me, sorting things out asap etc, even rang me up when i forgot to disconnect after i moved out asking what was up when he could have just kept charging me.
Optus: bad problems, decent value shit customer service