Hey all,
You'll notice that I've stickied a couple of threads for this semester. From now on I'll sticky threads for the current semester - please keep all general chit chat about the subject in here - this includes assessments, bitching about lecturers, asking questions etc. It just makes the place neater.
At the end of the exam period I'll lock and un-sticky the threads.
There are still a few popular subjects (like INFS) that don't have threads yet, so start them up and I'll sticky them for you.
Additionally, I'm thinking of putting together a course specific thread so that when the Year 12's start wandering in here to ask about courses we can direct them there. If you're interested in writing something for this let me know.
I'd also like to hear your ideas on a "Student Testimonials" thread for Unit of Studies - this could also be helpful for the new recruits next year.
Thanks guys & good luck for this semester
You'll notice that I've stickied a couple of threads for this semester. From now on I'll sticky threads for the current semester - please keep all general chit chat about the subject in here - this includes assessments, bitching about lecturers, asking questions etc. It just makes the place neater.
At the end of the exam period I'll lock and un-sticky the threads.
There are still a few popular subjects (like INFS) that don't have threads yet, so start them up and I'll sticky them for you.
Additionally, I'm thinking of putting together a course specific thread so that when the Year 12's start wandering in here to ask about courses we can direct them there. If you're interested in writing something for this let me know.
I'd also like to hear your ideas on a "Student Testimonials" thread for Unit of Studies - this could also be helpful for the new recruits next year.
Thanks guys & good luck for this semester