Originally posted by *Gizmo*
I was wondering if anyone on here did/doing poetry for ext 2.
i'm planning on doing a range of poems which relate to aspects of my life. from childhood to teenage years. But focusing on the major issues one of them being my birthday- which happens to be "the day the world changed" sept 11th
i was wondering if anyone had any tips or work they could let me read!
Holy smoke!
Your idea is really common, and I chose to do the same (but I also took Peter Skrzynecki's idea, writing poetry from an 'immigrants' perspective - well, I was writing from an Asian perspective and tried to integrate my influences and life experiences into the poems themselves).
I did poetry (last year, this year) - but focused on what you're now focussing on: "life poetry" as I call it.
The problem, I believe, would be the word limit. Don't feel restricted by it, but be able to manage it.
For example, I had:
5000 words all up, for the entire major work, including reflection statement.
Which left:
1500 words for the reflection statement, due before the trials (August)
The remaining words were spent on my poems, 3500 words.
I had only written about 2000-2500 words, so I was 'under' the word limit (unusual for me), but I feel that I completed it to the best of my ability.
'Change' (English, Area of Study for 2003) had been one of the primary focusses for me, but it's up to you on how you develop your poetry. Just know that you don't have to start at "When I was 5..." and end with "Now that I am 18..."
The poems themselves can be out of sequence, in any order you choose, any theme you choose.
I think your birthday/S11 will be crucial and central to your poems, so you can have a common thread or theme running throughout each poem, how that has shaped you, the affects on you personally, family life, security and generally, "what it means to you".
I'm sorry but I can't show you my major work, because it is very personal and private. But I can help you, if you'd like (just make a new thread, I'll probably read it if I have time to browse Extension 2 forums
All the best in the upcoming year, goodluck with your poems.