Theatre reflects society, questions society, and asks society to question itself.
How have the Australian plays you have studied used styles and conventions of the theatre to achieve this? Refer to at least two texts you have studied.
Australian Drama explores not only what we value, but what we fear.
Discuss this statement with reference to the dramatic forms, performance techniques and conventions of the plays you have studied, showing how our values and fears are explored through the charater situation and dramatic structure in performance.
"The ideas in Australian plays are dull. It is the images that bring them to life."
Discuss this statement showing how Australian theatre practitioners engage their audiences through varying theatrical styles and techniques.
Australian drama deals with universal issues.
Discuss this statement, referring to TWO of the the texts set for study, and to your own experience.
"It's not just the language and characters. It's the image and context of Ireland itself that are captured on stage."
Dicscuss this statement with specific reference to your experience of the content, the characters and the theatrical styles and techniques used in TWO Irish plays you have studied.
"Irish plays have an intensity and a passion that is highly theatrical in a distinctively irish way"
Discuss this statement, examining how the staging of two Irish plays you have studied might reflect this and still be relevant to an Australian audience.
"Irish playwrights use conflicts and contrasts between characters of different ages to explore theatrically the relationship between Ireland's past and present"
Discuss this statement, referring to TWO of the texts set for study, and to your own experience.
Irish drama deals specifically with Irish issues.
Discuss this statement, referring to TWO of the texts set for study, and to your own experience.
Good luck peeps, and if you could post your trial questions then this would be of mightiest help.