skyrockets1530 said:
Metadata is information about data. It is used to give a description or details to a set of data. In the context of databases, an example of metadata would be a data dictionary. Metadata is also used in webpages for the purpose of providing a description or other information about the page to search engines.
next question: A business is planning on linking a bus network and a token ring network, state the device which would be used to link the two networks and describe the different types of cabling which can be used for the wired network.
Gateway is a combination of hardware and software to link two different types of networks.
there are many differnet devices which will a successfull transfer of data between these two entily different networks to name a few
Repeater used to rebuiled a fading signal to its original strength and shape before transmitting the data
*Repeater is less eminent or less intelligent then a gateway
Router will be used to determine where data packets is sent to between the bus and token ring networks
three main types are
Twisted Pair
- cable consists of two thin copper wires twisted formin a spiral
- 2 main types are (UTP) or (STP)
- Slowof bandwith up to 56kbp
Copper Wie
- Consist of a single copper wire sourronding an insulator and a grounded shield
- Used in distances of less than 10 or less kilometres
- bandwith 10Mps
- uses a laser of light carry data in small glass fibres which bounce and reflect of them to reach the destination
- free from electromagnetic & radio inference
-Bandwith 400mbps