hey, my name's nancy too, lol.
erin retreats from the global values of commercialism (P&G company is symbolic of commercialism throughout the movie) and apathy (once again, P&G doesnt care for the individuals who they affect).
erin represents a retreat from global values. compare erin's clothing to the other workers in ed masry's office. she dresses in her own style, and the others dress in a way they find appropriate. she doesnt give a damn. she swears, and acts in a manner that the others find inoffensive. she thus represents a deviation from global values.
have you watched the movie? watch it again and analyse it. look for attributes of the global and local, and try to show how a retreat is represented in the text. pay attention to visual techniques such as clothing and colour. keep in mind that ed masry can be considered both global AND local, depending on the situation.
i didnt use erin brockovich btw, i liked fight club too much.