sorry again
ive got a few questions for past Rets cadidates willing to help me out.......
what does this test consist of e.g eglish maths......?
how long does this test go for?
Im in the catchment around the hurstville area so where would be the delegated examination room be held at?
how much?
if I do the rets would I be granted in any other unis apart from uws?
My english is poor so would this affect my result ?
if it is english is it essay or comprehension form?
is it worth doing if you do standard maths & english or is it aimed for the more intermediate candidates who do like advanced ext maths & english?
is the uws ret test both or just the multiple choice?
guys who remember any questions or Rets exam thoughts post them up .....might be useful for future ret candidates
lastly any one willing to hand me anything irrelavant for studying for the rets test just post me a msg thank you for your help will be greatly appreciated
THANK YOU...............
sorry again
ive got a few questions for past Rets cadidates willing to help me out.......
what does this test consist of e.g eglish maths......?
how long does this test go for?
Im in the catchment around the hurstville area so where would be the delegated examination room be held at?
how much?
if I do the rets would I be granted in any other unis apart from uws?
My english is poor so would this affect my result ?
if it is english is it essay or comprehension form?
is it worth doing if you do standard maths & english or is it aimed for the more intermediate candidates who do like advanced ext maths & english?
is the uws ret test both or just the multiple choice?
guys who remember any questions or Rets exam thoughts post them up .....might be useful for future ret candidates
lastly any one willing to hand me anything irrelavant for studying for the rets test just post me a msg thank you for your help will be greatly appreciated
THANK YOU...............