Revised Buy/Sell Forum Rules (1 Viewer)

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Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
1. What you can sell...
Obviously, yes you can sell your hard copy of textbooks, or other resources that you have used.

Due to copyright you are not permitted to sell the following on this forum:
  • Electronic reproduction of past exams, notes which you are not the author of etc.
  • Papers that are made only for schools to purchase and are not published separately e.g. CSSA / Independent papers
    including any scanned or electronic reproduction of company-produced past papers.
  • Scanned copies of HSC papers, these are available for free on the NESA website - this includes NAPLAN papers.
  • Any notes that have been publicly made free online by the author may not be resold here.
    Soft copies of notes that are sold by a tutoring website/individual/another organisation are not to be resold.
  • PDFs or scanned print out of textbooks (or other resources such as notes sets) that were not acquired legally.
  • No item, where the copyright specifically denies the right to resell or distribute the resource (especially take note for soft resources). In doubt, always seek permission from the author/publisher.
  • You may not sell CSSA or Independent papers, either hard copy or soft copy, as these are in breach of copyright.
You can sell (to the first buyer only) hard copies of a textbook or other published resource such as notes.

Of course, you can sell (to multiple buyers), electronic copies of notes where you are the author.

Common sense should prevail.

This is not Gumtree, so selling of items that aren't related to educational use is strongly discouraged, and all items sold must be suitable for under 18 year olds.

2. Where can you sell?
One post for your advertisement in the Buy/Sell forum, you may also advertise on your profile by using your signature.

In terms of links, no links to competitor or tutoring organisations, the seller must be an individual rather a business.
Details of the item should be posted here, rather than a mere link.

You may bump your post - this is only necessary when there a lot of postings and to keep your post on the first page.
Please only bump once per week, and please clean your threads of previous bumps. Please also update your post when items are no longer available.

3. When posting?
Be clear about the following:
  • The quantity of the item
  • For hard copy resources, the quality of the item (e.g. is the textbook worn or in good condition)
  • The cost and if appropriate, best method of payment.
  • Location to pick up if hard copy or delivery arrangements
4. Tips for selling
  1. Don't advertise something that is freely accessible online. Not only will people won't buy something they can get for free e.g. notes or papers, it is kind of sketchy to do so.
  2. Keep the price reasonable, even if you are a state ranker, $50.00 is too much for a set of notes. Most self-made notes would be $5-10 per module, and max $25-30 for the whole lot, as a rough estimate.
  3. Please indicate whether your resources are new syllabus or old syllabus. Please understand any old syllabus resources may need to be sold at a cheaper price as they are less relevant for students.

General Rules for Buy/Sell:

Welcome to the Buy/Sell forum. Please abide by the following rules/regulations. If you have any queries, concerns, or would like to report another member breaking these rules, please report the post or post in the Contact Moderators Forum.

Bored of Studies is not responsible for any goods or services advertised in this forum.

Buyers, please be wary of the accuracy of information given by others on the forum. It has been suggested that there may be members who are impersonating other individuals in an attempt to scam members and make money.

Please note that any threads advertising illicit sales or trades will be promptly deleted without warning.

For all users
  • Keep descriptions and feedback honest and accurate
  • Keep spam out of the threads.
  • If you have feedback feel free to leave it on their post - however, any abusive posts will be deleted without further notice.
  • If you have a problem with another user please work it out in PM, NOT in the thread - if it cannot be resolved, contact a moderator.
  • Consistent abusive behaviour or trolling will result in a ban.
  • This forum is not for commercial purposes.
Rules and Guidelines For Sellers
  • Include a price and whether you are negotiable
  • Include an email address, phone number, or some other method by which you can be contacted
  • Leave a delivery method and (if applicable) postage costs
  • Include an accurate description of the item you are selling or the service you are offering
  • If feedback is left on your thread, it will not be deleted (except for abusive behaviour).
  • Once you've sold your item, edit your post to let others know and delete your thread when all items are sold.
  • You may advertise in your signature, but DON'T advertise on other people's FOR SALE threads or other threads about the Bored of Studies forum (WTB threads are fine)
  • Post your item or service only ONCE. This means only ONE THREAD in ONE FORUM (the sell forum). DON'T post your thread in other forums such as the HSC Forums.
  • Bump your thread instead of double posting (posting your thread again)
  • Do not bump your thread excessively. Most users find once a week is sufficient.
  • When you bump your thread delete your previous "bump" post to keep your thread clean and spam free. This can be done by clicking the edit button in the bottom right hand corner of your post and choosing the delete option.

Users will be warned once, after that infractions will apply

If you are a company/business that wishes to advertise their product/website etc please see here.
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