WELL...... i don't know if this is true..... but according to my friend's tutor who has been marking hsc maths for more than 10 years, if u get 80 something out of 120 (67%!!) then you'll be able to a band 6...
i don't really believe it though... coz it's too easy...
basically if you do 2U there is a very narrow band of raw marks which get scaled up significantly. M/ex1 has a wider range of top scoring students benefiting from scaling and Most Mex2 ppl get scaled up!
so u guys all go tutoring??
how's northshore??i've been studing there 2 yr ago...it was quite hard....everyone telling me tutoring is essential in yr 12...ture?
its prob good 4 yer ay...
i havent got one, and it really shows in my marks..
yeh so.. but like i kno a guy doin.. 3 or 4unit...
he doesnt hav a tutor and hes 1st... against some who do hav em..
but furthur study never hurts, and all a tutor is, is help with furthur study.
most of my fd all doin 3 or 4 u math....
n i'm even strugglin in 2 u...*sigh*
my maths used to be crap.. no matter how many effort do i put in maths now,still doesn't reflect on da marks...
u still got a week to go...reviewing each toppic test might helps.i think memorise the formular blindly doesn't work on me.do it while u goin through the excercise can be more effective...how were u goin wif ur ext maths??
did u find out wat da problem was?
datz wat i experienced 2....i think da reason was stuffs gettin harder and i became lazy...datz why..
i used 2 studied only on da day b4 da test...and it doesn't work at all!!!!!
cuz i got 2 far behind...
how can u give it up??r u doin ur hsc soon?
I agree i suck hard at maths and i study the most for it but im glad i do 11 units so my religon will count cause i smash religon
good luck and dont worry maths is only a minute of the time we have now bt remeber we have the rest of our life to forget about that mark