i got 27.5/84 in da prelim exam...but i did study....i h.ate da essays...i dun even know structure it....can any1 plz send me their business essay?any topic ....plz....
haha..in all honesty u dont need a tutor for biz.....everythng is pretyt much self explanatory if u use at least 2 textbooks... if u dont get a concept..cross refernce using at least 2...i use 3 textboks sometimes 4........and because there is a fiar bit of content in biz....i onli study what i need to.....and if the same thing shows up in another textbook that usualli means its important..... and make notes with the sylllabus in front of u...and while u do that..always ask urself how does this relae too my topic? ..wotz the connection with the rest of the content?......