Student equity statement
James Cook University recognises the value of a diverse student population and is committed to meeting the educational needs of people from all backgrounds and at all stages of their lives. In doing so, the University is particularly committed to the region of tropical Queensland.
Despite a gradual change in student profile, some groups in society are still not well represented in tertiary education. These groups include, but may not be limited to, the following:
Indigenous Australian people
People with disabilities
People from non-English speaking backgrounds
People from rural and isolated backgrounds
People from low socio-economic backgrounds
People in non-traditional areas of study
James Cook University recognises that this under-representation stems generally from a lack of opportunities available to people who belong to one or more of the above equity groups and/or from a higher education system which does not always meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds.
Students access tertiary education via varied paths. While many students enter university directly after finishing their secondary education, an increasing number of students do so later in their lives. For some, this delay may be motivated by a personal choice; for others, particularly those belonging to an equity group, it may reflect a lack of earlier opportunities.
Maximising diversity
A diverse student population brings to the University a wealth of knowledge and experience which enriches the University culture. It encourages new academic endeavours, and presents exciting challenges to all staff and students. By encouraging and nurturing diversity, James Cook University will attract more students from the region, the nation and overseas.
Maximising student diversity will not only benefit the University but will enable it to meet the educational needs of a larger pool of potential students.
JCU’s commitment
James Cook University expresses its commitment to student equity by:
acknowledging the diverse nature of its student population;
improving opportunities for tertiary access for potential students from equity groups;
aiming to meet the educational needs of all students, irrespective of their background;
seeking to eliminate all forms of gender biais.
James Cook University demonstrates its commitment by:
actively encouraging equity students into university programs
recruiting students according to a fair and non-discriminatory process
making its teaching relevant for a diverse student population
providing suitable access to facilities and resources
providing appropriate support services
providing appropriate grievance procedures
consulting with relevant student groups
raising staff and student awareness of equity issues
requiring faculties and schools to contribute actively to the University's Equity Plan.
This commitment is supported by government policies and social expectations from an increasing number of people in the community.
James Cook University recognises that students whose educational opportunities have been limited in the past may be hindered in trying to establish their merit for entry. Admission to tertiary programs for these students will be based on flexible entry criteria.
James Cook University's commitment is consistent with the maintenance of academic standards. In general, equity students progress at least as well as the general student population. Indeed, for some groups, performance is higher than for the general population.