Survey for Daddys little Girl (1 Viewer)

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Nov 6, 2008
9.1 Questionnaire

My name is Stefanie Carpenter and I am conducting research for an Independent Research Project (IRP) for part of my HSC course for Community and Family Studies at Aquinas College. My topic explores the issue of father absence; the impact of growing up without a father on the wellbeing of girls. Your answers to this questionnaire will remain completely confidential and would greatly assist my studies.

1. Gender: M F

2. Age: 13-16 17-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50+

3. Have you grown up (birth- age 16) in the same household as your father/ father figure?
Yes No Other:________________________________________

4. How do you think living/ not living with your father has influenced your ideals on parenting and general family life?

5. How would you describe the relationship you had/ have with your father whilst growing up (birth- age 16):
Excellent Fair Adequate Poor Non-existent

6. Please rate the following factors in a child’s development that is directly influenced by their father’s presence from most to least important. (1= most important)
[ ] Extra financial income
[ ] Exposure to both male and female behaviour
[ ] Having two parents to make everyday decisions and guide family life
[ ] Having a healthy loving relationship with both parents
[ ] The stability of a conventional or nuclear family structure
[ ] Other ___________________________________________________________

7. “Daughters of uninvolved fathers are more likely to have low self-esteem, suffer emotional and behavioural problems, engage in high risk situations and begin childbearing at a younger age.” Baron, Juliane and Kathleen Sylvester. Expanding the Goals of ‘Responsible Fatherhood’; Sigle-Rushton and McLanahan, Father Absence.

Do you think these issues facing fatherless daughters affect them as adults? Why/ why not?



Oct 21, 2008
where i live
carpenters1 said:
9.1 Questionnaire

My name is Stefanie Carpenter and I am conducting research for an Independent Research Project (IRP) for part of my HSC course for Community and Family Studies at Aquinas College. My topic explores the issue of father absence; the impact of growing up without a father on the wellbeing of girls. Your answers to this questionnaire will remain completely confidential and would greatly assist my studies.

1. Gender: F

2. Age: 13-16

3. Have you grown up (birth- age 16) in the same household as your father/ father figure?
4. How do you think living/ not living with your father has influenced your ideals on parenting and general family life?
That i am able to relate to people of the opposite gender better and am able to be given two differentiating views on life with living with both my father and mother

5. How would you describe the relationship you had/ have with your father whilst growing up (birth- age 16):

6. Please rate the following factors in a child’s development that is directly influenced by their father’s presence from most to least important. (1= most important)
[5] Extra financial income
[3] Exposure to both male and female behaviour
[2] Having two parents to make everyday decisions and guide family life
[1] Having a healthy loving relationship with both parents
[4] The stability of a conventional or nuclear family structure
[ ] Other ___________________________________________________________

7. “Daughters of uninvolved fathers are more likely to have low self-esteem, suffer emotional and behavioural problems, engage in high risk situations and begin childbearing at a younger age.” Baron, Juliane and Kathleen Sylvester. Expanding the Goals of ‘Responsible Fatherhood’; Sigle-Rushton and McLanahan, Father Absence.

Do you think these issues facing fatherless daughters affect them as adults? Why/ why not?
Mainly for the reasons above, fathers tend to be a but more grounded and straight forward and theat helps with understanding boundaries and knowing that you are loved _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

hope my answers help
i'm not too sure if i answered ok, but good luck with your study :drink:
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