this was the ONE dot point i did not write summary notes for, in the entire course, because i could not find info on it (the stuff about einstein is fine, but the 'relationship between thought and reeality' is just..wierd), plus in all the past papers id looked at, it wasnt anywhere to be seen
anyways, come august, what was one of the 6-markers in my Physics Trial (CSSA Trial, BTW)?
the relationship between thought and reality using one of einstein's thought experiments provided
Lesson: prepare for EVERY dot point, no matter how wierd it is
BTW: I did end up getting 5/6, while most of teh class got 1's 2's and 3's
i remember the CSSA suggested answer was BULLSH*T anyway
while we're on that point, i remember another stupid question (or rather marking criteria) from that trial - the one about comparing the particle and wave theories of cathode rays - without mentioning Thomson's q/m (charge/mass) ratio, u could only get a max of 2/4, despite the question not explicitly asking for it, just because the marking criteria stipulated this, i mean come on, tell us we need to mention it, and i'll write a bloody essay for u!!!
(end of rant)