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The Cadetship/Internship/Graduate Recruitment Process - Workshop Series Aug 8th-9th (1 Viewer)


Feb 16, 2005
Practical Workshop series – The Cadetship/Internship/Graduate Recruitment Process

Hi all,

I will be hosting a series of workshops aimed at helping students get through the highly competitive recruitment processes when they apply for cadetships, internships, vacation programs and/or graduate programs.

From personal experience, I often find that students with decent or even really great credentials experience setbacks in applying for these positions because of a lack of experience in presenting their applications in the best way possible.

Even from my own experiences, there are many aspects of the recruitment processes that I wish I knew much earlier in my degree and I hope to pass on my knowledge and experiences as well as those of many others from our moderating team to help you put yourself in the best position when it comes to entering the super competitive graduate employment market.

The workshop series are as follows:

1. Improving Your Cadetship/Internship/Graduate Applications Workshop (max 30 people)

Time and Location
UNE Future Campus
211 Church Street, Parramatta
Saturday 8th of August 2015
10.15am - 4.30pm
(with breaks in between)
This is an interactive workshop which will be similar to the one I ran in March (see http://community.boredofstudies.org...detship-internship-graduate-applications.html). The workshop will focus on ways to best communicate your application for a given set of credentials. Topics covered will include:

• Cover Letters
• Resumes
• Online Application Responses
• Psychometric Testing
• Assessment Centres
• Interviews

What makes this workshop different to careers seminars run at universities is that:

• Material is written primarily from the perspective of former applicants (including myself) who have been through the competitive recruitment process themselves (several times) and have a broader view of recruitment processes and standards across multiple organisations rather than one or a select few. We can also provide our own personal experiences of what it feels like for an applicant to go through the recruitment process, what mistakes we have learnt from that you should look out for. That being said, there will also be some useful input from people who have experience in running these types of competitive recruitment process themselves including our fellow moderators enoilgam and seremify007.

• Tips and examples provided will be very specific compared to the broader advice provided in careers seminars about what makes a high quality applicant. For example, rather than the advice being broadly ‘tailor your application to the company’, there will be information on specific ways you can tailor your application according to the role and the organisation with worked examples.

I and many others who had attended the first workshop can vouch for how useful it is in helping you understand the rather rigorous graduate recruitment process and finding effective ways to approach it.

2. Mock Interviews (max 6 people)

UNE Future Campus
211 Church Street, Parramatta
Sunday 9th of August 2015
Available Times
10:15am - 10:45am
10:45am - 11:15am
12:45pm - 1:15pm
2:00pm - 2:30pm
4:00pm - 4:30pm
4:30pm - 5:00pm
Interviews take time and heaps of practice to be able to become a competitive applicant. It is one thing to be able to study for an interview, but it takes more than study to be able to execute it well when it counts. You should be trying to practice your interview skills at every opportunity available. Thus, the mock interview session is a one-on-one style session to simulate an actual interview which typically goes for about 30 minutes. This is a great opportunity for you to:

• Put your interview skills to practice to see how you stack up against competitive standards in the graduate recruitment process
• Make mistakes and learn from them at an early stage rather than make mistakes later down the track when the interviews count
• Receive valuable, constructive and personalised feedback on your strengths and weaknesses
• Gain specific advice in refining your interview technique and responses to questions
• Ask any questions on interviews or the recruitment process in general

The feedback you will receive will be from the perspective of former graduate applicants (including myself) who have been through the interview stage of the competitive graduate recruitment process several times as well as people who have had experience in conducting interviews on candidates themselves.

You will be asked a number of questions including behavioural questions with feedback provided to your responses on the spot. If you wish, you can bring your resume to the mock interview for our reference and feedback. There will be 6 sessions offered for that day on a first come first serve basis.

3. Mock Assessment Centre Group Activities (max 30 people)

Time and Location
UNE Future Campus
211 Church Street, Parramatta
Sunday 9th of August 2015
Session 1 - 11.30am - 12.30pm
Session 2 - 2.45pm - 3.45pm
Note that the two sessions are DIFFERENT simulated group activities. You can come to any one of the sessions or both of them.

Assessment centres are a half or full day set of activities where recruiters assess an applicant’s skills in action within a high pressure and fast paced environment. One of the most common activities is a simulated group task where a group of applicants are given a task to complete as a group in a short space of time. This activity is intended to assess the applicant’s teamwork skills and how they handle working together in a team in a high pressure scenario.

These activities are often quite stressful as they cannot really be studied for and require a fair amount of experience and practice to get used to. You should be trying to get as much practice in assessment centre environments at every opportunity available. The mock assessment group activity is a great opportunity for you to:

• Get accustomed to the high pressure activities that you are subjected to in the real thing
• Make mistakes and learn from them rather than make these mistakes in the real assessment centres
• Receive valuable constructive feedback on your strengths and weaknesses in group activities

Two sessions are being offered and revolve around a DIFFERENT group activity. I strongly encourage you to come to both if you can, as you could try to incorporate some of the feedback from the first session into the second one, which would be greatly beneficial in seeing if there are any other aspects you need to work on.

I also encourage students who are attending the mock interviews to also attend the mock assessment centre group activities on the same day.


Important information for the above workshops:

Target audience
Any university or high school student who is intending to apply for cadetships, internships and/or graduate programs and want to make that step up from from having a mediocre quality application to a high quality application.

Assumed knowledge
Basic knowledge of interviews, resume and cover letter writing


What to bring
• Pen
• Paper/Notebook
• Food + Water (unless you want to buy some at a nearby store)

How to get to the venue
The venue is only a short walk from Parramatta station.

How to register
Please forward me a PM here and fill out the following details:
• Seminar(s) you wish to attend:
• How many people you are bringing with you:
• If you wish to book a mock interview session nominate which session(s) you wish to take:
Please note that due to the interactive nature of the workshop and mock assessment centre group activities there will be a maximum of 30 people allowed to attend each seminar on a first come first served basis. Subsequent expressions of interest will be placed on a reserve list.

For mock interviews there are only 6 timeslots on a first come first served basis. For the consideration of other students, you must only attend the interview session that you booked into. Subsequent expressions of interest will be placed on a reserve list.

Attendants to any of the workshops are also welcome to submit a resume, cover letter or responses to an actual application for review and feedback on those days.

I look forward to seeing you there! :)



Feb 16, 2005
Re: The Cadetship/Internship/Graduate Recruitment Process - Workshop Series Aug 8th-9



Oct 18, 2013
Re: The Cadetship/Internship/Graduate Recruitment Process - Workshop Series Aug 8th-9

Please organise another round! :)


Feb 16, 2005
Re: The Cadetship/Internship/Graduate Recruitment Process - Workshop Series Aug 8th-9

Keep an eye out for the thread tonight ;)

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