The Objectives of the Campaign against Muslims in the West (1 Viewer)

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Jul 18, 2005
Jus keepin it gangsta
After the London bombings on 7 July 2005, the West embarked upon a campaign to introduce rapid and successive legislation specifically targeting Muslims living in the west. As expected, they tried to deceive the people by pretending that these new laws were aimed at fighting the threat of terrorism in their countries. The speed and secrecy with which these measures were introduced, in addition to their comprehensiveness and wide reaching effects, exposes the falsehood of this pretence. It further demonstrates a clear strategy devised by the West aimed at subjugating Islam and Muslims in Western countries.

What demonstrates the certainty of this strategy is the synchronised response of all western governments that moved with the same degree of speed, secrecy and collaboration. Their campaign initially began under the pretext of fighting terrorism but quickly expanded to include the fight against so called radical and extreme views, with the aim of exploiting differences among Muslims and destroying their brotherhood. Then it broadened further to reach the Muslim schools and their syllabi. It entered the mosques and targeted their Imams, dictating to them what is to be said therein. It included the Hijab of the Muslim women and then it attacked the values and thoughts of Islam. It expanded to reach the noble Quran and its injunctions, and here we are today, with some of the politicians requesting the expulsion of Muslims if they do not adhere to and adopt the western values.

It has become clear that Western governments refuse to be held accountable for their own actions. They even refuse to show any interest in the real causes of any acts of violence against their citizens. If they were sincere in combating terrorism in their cities as they have claimed, they would be moving towards addressing the real causes of this violence which has cost many innocent lives throughout the world. The Western governments arrogantly dismiss the voices of the thinkers and intellectuals from all political, religious and ethnic persuasions that echo the sentiments of ordinary citizens who directly attribute responsibility of this violence to the oppressive Western foreign policies in Islamic lands.

Within this context, the recent summit convened by Prime Minister John Howard with some leaders of Muslim organisations was a public relations smokescreen designed to rubber stamp the government’s proposals. It was used for no purpose other than to further a predetermined agenda and to sow the seeds of division within the Muslim community, the evidence of which is the intense attack on Islam and its values immediately proceeding the summit from some ministers, politicians, and the media in general.

In order to understand the true nature of this insidious campaign, its aims and how to confront it, we must proceed with a comprehensive awareness as to the nature and intensity of the struggle between the Islamic world and the Western world.

After a century or more of colonialist subjugation at the hands of Britain, France and then America, the Islamic world is currently in the midst of a historical re-alignment. Despite years of deception, exploitation and brutality, the Western world has realised their control and influence over the Islamic world is fast approaching its final days. The time is very near when the Muslim Ummah will free itself from the intellectual and political shackles that are otherwise weighing down this noble Ummah.

This is confirmed by the following:

· The Muslims, young and old, male and female, the laymen, the educated and the scholar, are returning to their Islam with increasing fervour, and are rushing towards the book of their Creator (swt) and the Sunnah of their Prophet (saw), and are holding tightly to their instructions.

· The Muslims in every instant, yearn for the day in which the flag of Islam is raised over them, and work tirelessly to unify their words and gather their ranks under the shade of Allah’s (swt) Shari’ah, thereby implementing Allah’s (swt) Deen and carrying the pure call of Islam to the world.

· The Muslims have unanimously rejected their evil and corrupt rulers that the West appointed over them, and they are looking forward to consigning them to the dustbins of history.

· The Muslims have awoken to the true ugly face of Western colonialism, and realise with full perception that the West is responsible for flooding their countries with blood, poverty, corruption and turmoil, after it divided its lands, impoverished its peoples and dishonoured its noble sons and daughters.

· The Muslims have heroically resisted the invasion and occupation of their lands, and at the hands of a few, inflicted the most humiliating lesson on supposed superpowers.

· The Muslims, despite all the treacheries and deceptions, continue to reject the state of Israel on the occupied lands of Palestine. They yearn for a day in which their armies are united under the banner of the Khilafah in order to liberate Jerusalem and all of Palestine.

When the West realised all of this and saw they were left with no alternate options, and feeling the intellectual defeat in front of the greatness of Islam, they began to frantically search for more ammunition that had not been previously employed in their war against Islam and Muslims. They then turned their attention to the Muslims living as citizens in their countries, and found that their numbers are continually on the rise. They realised the spectacular failure of social integration through which the West hoped to assimilate the Muslims in order for them to relinquish their values. They found that the generation of Muslim youth born and raised in their lands is proudly holding onto their deen and its values. Furthermore, they found that they failed in separating the Muslims in the West from their Ummah and her issues, and failed to sever their connections with her and their closeness with her hopes and concerns.

Indeed the West has realised in this situation a factor of strength for the whole Ummah. They decided to adopt a general strategy to rid the presence of Islam in the West. They started to pave the way by instilling fear and paranoia in the wider society, and by fuelling the hatred against Islam and Muslims in order to prepare the people to accept the inhumane measures and draconian legislations the West has aimed at the Muslims, even if it means abandoning their core values.

Through these measures, the West aim to present to the Muslims three options: 1. face deportation and/or expulsion; 2. adopt and embrace the Western values by abandoning the Islamic values; or 3. face persecution, hardship, and humiliation.

But it must be emphasised that the formation of these strategies is one matter, and its success and continuity is a wholly different matter. Ultimately all matters are in the hands of the All-Mighty Allah (swt) alone. The Muslims and the West belong to Allah (swt), and He does as He Wills.

O Muslims! In order to confront this campaign that seeks to eradicate our Islam, wipe away our identity and to sever us from our Ummah, we must strengthen our relationship with Allah (swt). We must commit our loyalty sincerely to Him (swt), the Messenger (saw) and the believers. We must stand proud of our faith and its values, and to stand in one row together, not falling into the traps of the invented labels of moderate and extreme - names which are foreign to Allah (swt) and His Deen.

O Muslims! You are descendents of the greatest ancestors. You descend from generations that brought light and justice that was previously unknown to mankind. Remain steadfast on your Islam, its Aqeedah, its rules, its thought and its behaviours. Fear none but Allah (swt). Pledge your obedience to Him (swt) and to the work that gives victory to His (swt) Deen. Ally yourselves with those who work day and night to confront this war against Islam and the believers, in order to attain true success.

O Muslims! Prepare for a new day and know that the Ummah is on the verge of a new dawn. Remember the glad tidings of the Messenger (saw) when he stated:

{تكون النبوة فيكم ماشاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء الله أن يرفعها ثمّ تكون ملكًا عاضًا فيكون ما شاء الله أن يكون ثم يرفعها الله إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون ملكًا جبريَّةً فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون خلافةً على منهاج النبوَّة ثم سكت} رواه الإمام أ*مد

“The prophecy will remain among you for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it when He wishes to, then it will be a Khilafah Rashida (rightly guided) on the method of the prophethood, it will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a hereditary leadership which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a tyrannic rule, and it will remain so for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a Khilafah Rashida (established) on the method of the prophethood, then he kept silent” [Narrated via Ahmad]

Our hearts fill with tranquillity when we remember Allah (swt), perchance we may be counted in the ranks of those whom Allah (swt) said about them:

{الذين قال لهم النَّاسُ إن الناس قد جمعوا لكم فاخشوهم فزادهم إيمانًا وقالوا *َسبُنا اللهُ ونِعمَ الوكيل، فانقلبوا بنعمة من الله وفضلٍ لم يمسَسْهم سوءٌ واتبعوا رضوان اللهِ واللهُ ذو فضلٍ عظيم}

“People said to them: The people have gathered against you, therefore fear them. The threat of danger but increased their faith and they cried: Allah is sufficient for us! Most Excellent is He in Whom we place our trust! So they returned with grace and favour from Allah, and no harm touched them. They followed the good pleasure of Allah, and Allah is of infinite bounty.”

Thereafter, their Lord addressed them:

{إنما ذلكم الشيطان يخوِّف أولياءَهُ فلا تخافوهم وخافونِ إن كنتم مؤمنين}

“It is only the Shaytan who would make men fear his supporters. Do not fear them; but fear Me, if you are true believers.” [TMQ Al-Imran: 173-175]

Let us remember the momentous stance taken by our beloved Prophet (saw) during Ta’if on the day when the near and far turned enemies against him, and the land became filled with difficulties, and he raised his hands to Allah (swt) and supplicated with immense faith in his Lord:

{اللهم إليك أشكو ضعف قوتي وقلة *يلتي وهواني على الناس، يا أر*م الرا*مين أنت رب المستضعفين وأنت ربي، إلى من تكلني، إلى بعيد يتجهمني، أم إلى عدوٍ ملّكته أمري، إن لم يكن بك عليَّ غضبٌ فلا أبالي، ولكن عافيتك هي أوسع لي. أعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أشرقت له الظلمات، وصل* عليه أمر الدنيا والآخرة، من أن تُنزل بي غضبك، أو ي*لَّ عليَّ سخطك، لك العتبى *تى ترضى، ولا *ول ولا قوة إلاّ بك}

“O Allah, to You I complain of my weakness, little resource, and loneliness before man. O Most Merciful, You are the Lord of the weak and You are my Lord. To whom would You confide in me? To one afar who will misuse me or to an enemy to whom You have given dominance over me? If You are not angry with me, I do not care about anything else. Your favour of well-being on me is sufficient for me. I take refuge in the light of Your countenance by which the darkness is illuminated, and the things of this world and the next are rightly ordered, lest Your anger descend upon me or Your wrath come down upon me. It is for You to be satisfied until You are well pleased. There is no power and no might except in You”

{والله غالب على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون}

“And Allah has full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not.” [TMQ Yusuf: 21]

28 Rajab 1426 H

2 September 2005
-------end quote----------

Hizb ut-Tahrir, Australia

personally i think this memo certainly has a degree of truth...muslim ppl in Australia should be concerned about this issue


Aug 17, 2002
A whole degree of truth? I wouldn't go that far. I think the accuracy of that article can only be posited in terms of an infinitesimal fraction practically holding hands with zero :p


Jul 18, 2005
Jus keepin it gangsta
MoonlightSonata said:
A whole degree of truth? I wouldn't go that far. I think the accuracy of that article can only be posited in terms of an infinitesimal fraction practically holding hands with zero :p
hmmm well ummm..................nah, I think ur wrong. :cool:

sly fly

Nov 29, 2004
I think the article has some degree of truth. What really annoys me sometimes though, is how so many Muslims whinge and blame all their problems on the West. Ofcourse, the West is to blame to a certain extent but the main reason why Muslims today are facing so much oppression and hardship is our own fault. I mean how many good Muslims do u guys know? People who actually implement the quran and the sunnah, selfless ppl who help others and help themselves and stand up to oppression and get a very high degree of education and all that stuff us Muslims are meant to be doing. I can tell u, there are very few....

Theres no point in Muslims saying ''Islam is all about peace'' or 'Islam preaches love and harmony'' etc etc and then doing nothing to promote those concepts - words are useless without actions.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
In order to understand the true nature of this insidious campaign, its aims and how to confront it, we must proceed with a comprehensive awareness as to the nature and intensity of the struggle between the Islamic world and the Western world.
Ever so wrong and leads to wrong beliefs and poorely disorganised movements that never gain any real people momentum.

In order to understand this, people need to understand the nature of Imperialism. This idea of the West against the Muslim world detaches the Middle East from the world wide anti imperialist movement.

There is no struggle between Islam and the West. There is no difference between Western imperialism in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Western imperialism in the world has no religious boundaries, as they easily interverne in the Christian countries of South America.

Also the idea of Islam agaisnt the west dismiss the Church organisations that oppose the war in Iraq and believe in a Palastinian State.

The nature of the West in Middle East is the result of capitalism in a era of imperialism, the merging of banks and industry that leads to the expansion of trade empires into countries with cheap labour and resources. In the Middle East one of the biggest aim is the control of the oil flow.

This article does not go into the theories of imperialism and its economics, so it can never understand the actions of the government on Muslim people and in the Middle East. It does not understand Imperialism, so it views the war in Iraq and Israel's imperialism as something specific to Muslim people, not realising that people all over the world are under control by imperialist governments.

The laws are not just aimed at Muslim people. The idea is to raise nationalism by creating a common enemy, the so called extremist Muslim. It is also a fear campaign to force Muslims into liberal thinking, so that out of fear they will not speak out agaisnt West intervention in the Middle East.

The article is using logic that the actions of governments are driven by the hate of Islam, when it is driven by economic factors that result into wars that install regimes that liberalise economies.


NCAP Mooderator
Aug 3, 2004
And of course by professing a desire to throw off western rule (in what can only be assumed [given the lack of context] are western countries) this group (?) plays into the hands of christian reactionaries in western societies. I think it is interesting how two so disimilar positions reinforce each other.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Well one view of it is that they are merely trying to defend their lands and establish their own laws, another is that they dream to impose their laws on others. I am not convinced that America would not be getting attacked if it had no bases in Arabia.


Aug 31, 2005
Lets sure really?
Not-That-Bright said:
Well one view of it is that they are merely trying to defend their lands and establish their own laws, another is that they dream to impose their laws on others. I am not convinced that America would not be getting attacked if it had no bases in Arabia.
This is a true possiblility
Nov 17, 2005
One mistake that i can see with the article is that they believe that it was only after the London bombings that the west started hating Muslims.


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
TerrbleSpellor said:
One mistake that i can see with the article is that they believe that it was only after the London bombings that the west started hating Muslims.
well, my teacher once gave us a scenario, where he said that a leader called upon an urgent meeting between nation leaders. they came an wanted to know what was so urgent. he told them " you see that book in the middle of the carpet?" pointing to a large carpet with a book on it. " this is the quran. which one of you can pick it up?" one of the leaders said "is this the reason for the urgent meeting?" and he walked up to the quran and picked it up. the other leader said "no, i want you to do it without touching the carpet" they asked the guy "what is the point of that?" he said "the carpet is the muslims heart. unless we can remove the quran out of it, they will grow and rule over us"

this seems like a story that sums up western motives pretty well, and by the looks of things, they were well on their way to succeeding, but it now seems like the tide is turning.

the same teacher told us that "if we had to write the definition of corruption in an exam, and we wrote 'arab leaders', we would get full marks for it". lol


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
veterandoggy said:
well, my teacher once gave us a scenario, where he said that a leader called upon an urgent meeting between nation leaders. they came an wanted to know what was so urgent. he told them " you see that book in the middle of the carpet?" pointing to a large carpet with a book on it. " this is the quran. which one of you can pick it up?" one of the leaders said "is this the reason for the urgent meeting?" and he walked up to the quran and picked it up. the other leader said "no, i want you to do it without touching the carpet" they asked the guy "what is the point of that?" he said "the carpet is the muslims heart. unless we can remove the quran out of it, they will grow and rule over us"

this seems like a story that sums up western motives pretty well, and by the looks of things, they were well on their way to succeeding, but it now seems like the tide is turning.

the same teacher told us that "if we had to write the definition of corruption in an exam, and we wrote 'arab leaders', we would get full marks for it". lol
But it's true. The middle east is probably second only to Africa in terms of corruption.


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
i know it is. i never said that my teacher cracked jokes.

this is what we refer to as our downfall, and hence we believe Mahdi is coming soon because after our downfall is meant to be our rise.

and after mahdi comes the antichrist, followed by the descent of jesus, then the wrath of gog and magog. i dont think we will last all these events, and personally i would be very lucky if i miss on the encounter with antichrist, just in case i follow him.

he will basically give you "solid" proof that god exists, and im guessing you among others will believe him. muslims who have read about their religion will know that he isnt, but that number seems small.
Last edited:


New Member
Nov 30, 2005
I'm not Brogan, I'm Captain Gh3y
That's very, very strange that rational people believe such fairy tales.

More to the point, firstly I think more 'moderate' Muslims would probably like to believe they are able to retain their Islamic values without facing persecution or being deported.

Secondly, the laws aren't meant to stir up hatred against Muslims, they're meant to protect the country from terrorists.


Socialist Member
Aug 12, 2005
in sydney
RanyofuBrogan? said:
That's very, very strange that rational people believe such fairy tales.

More to the point, firstly I think more 'moderate' Muslims would probably like to believe they are able to retain their Islamic values without facing persecution or being deported.

Secondly, the laws aren't meant to stir up hatred against Muslims, they're meant to protect the country from terrorists.
yeah but where do you draw the line on "moderate" and how do you define extermist also WHO is doing all this defining?????
these are questions which must be put into perspective if muslims are to feel a sense of comfort....


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Extremist is anyone who advocates hatred of Australian society, and in particular those who encourage violence against it.
Nov 17, 2005
veterandoggy said:
well, my teacher once gave us a scenario, where he said that a leader called upon an urgent meeting between nation leaders. they came an wanted to know what was so urgent. he told them " you see that book in the middle of the carpet?" pointing to a large carpet with a book on it. " this is the quran. which one of you can pick it up?" one of the leaders said "is this the reason for the urgent meeting?" and he walked up to the quran and picked it up. the other leader said "no, i want you to do it without touching the carpet" they asked the guy "what is the point of that?" he said "the carpet is the muslims heart. unless we can remove the quran out of it, they will grow and rule over us"
I really don't understand? Unless we can remove the Quran from Muslim's hearts without touching their hearts, Muslims will grow and over take us?


Apr 25, 2004
veterandoggy said:
well, my teacher once gave us a scenario, where he said that a leader called upon an urgent meeting between nation leaders. they came an wanted to know what was so urgent. he told them " you see that book in the middle of the carpet?" pointing to a large carpet with a book on it. " this is the quran. which one of you can pick it up?" one of the leaders said "is this the reason for the urgent meeting?" and he walked up to the quran and picked it up. the other leader said "no, i want you to do it without touching the carpet" they asked the guy "what is the point of that?" he said "the carpet is the muslims heart. unless we can remove the quran out of it, they will grow and rule over us"

this seems like a story that sums up western motives pretty well, and by the looks of things, they were well on their way to succeeding, but it now seems like the tide is turning.

the same teacher told us that "if we had to write the definition of corruption in an exam, and we wrote 'arab leaders', we would get full marks for it". lol
what the fuk do you mean the tides are turning? the only way that islam is winning is by the amount of suicide bombers they are using. I dont see how the tides are turning .


Apr 25, 2004
veterandoggy said:
i know it is. i never said that my teacher cracked jokes.

this is what we refer to as our downfall, and hence we believe Mahdi is coming soon because after our downfall is meant to be our rise.

and after mahdi comes the antichrist, followed by the descent of jesus, then the wrath of gog and magog. i dont think we will last all these events, and personally i would be very lucky if i miss on the encounter with antichrist, just in case i follow him.

he will basically give you "solid" proof that god exists, and im guessing you among others will believe him. muslims who have read about their religion will know that he isnt, but that number seems small.
your tlaking shit again. untill all this crap happens please dont mention it. unti any of that happens lets rest at that god doesnt exist.


Apr 25, 2004
Sonic said:
yeah but where do you draw the line on "moderate" and how do you define extermist also WHO is doing all this defining?????
these are questions which must be put into perspective if muslims are to feel a sense of comfort....
yuoll feel a sence of comfort if yuor not stoking up ingredients for a bomb in your garage, or making plans to attack the west .
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