UNE Writers Wanted (1 Viewer)


Feb 20, 2003
Do you like to write? Do you study at the University of New England? Are you a wannabe journalist? Do you believe in just and fair student media? Do you want to work just for bylines?

The Student Leader is a new national student paper which is published online (www.leader.org.au) and is launching in print form this semester. We will be beginning our distribution in Sydney and hope to extend to all university campuses in Australia by the end of 2006.

We need news stories about what is going on at your university. There will be one page in the paper devoted to stories from Southern NSW universities (CSU Albury and Wagga, ANU, ACU Canberra, UOC, UOW) and one page devoted to Northern NSW (CSU Bathurst, Dubbo and Orange, SCU, UNE and UNCLE). Each page will feature news about what has been going on at these regional campuses, and what events are coming up. These could be research and academic events, plays, live gigs, balls, socials, new developments at your university, how policies such as VSU etc will affect your campus and more. My name is Ashlee, and I am the Regional Bureau Chief for NSW, so it is my job to compile these pages. I want to get together a team of contributors from the different campuses to make the regional pages in this exciting new publication great. I grew up in Albury, so I have a passion for regional issues and I believe that this is a great opportunity for regional students to get their voices heard nationally as part of the greater Australian student community.

We want stories that other students will be interested in reading. This is your opportunity to put your regional campus out there, tell people what is going on, and make people remember that there is more to NSW than just Sydney! The Leader will be a professional publication, with your byline appearing in print and online, which can only enhance your portfolio.

If you are interested in contributing, or have an idea for a story, drop me a line at a.betteridge@leader.org.au

If you wish to contribute to the other sections of The Student Leader (not the regional pages), check out our website, www.leader.org.au.

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