hey everyone, i have my english ext half yearly on tuesday where we need to write a creative piece on the indvidual and society. I don;t know what the question is exactly, so it is a bit risky to pre-prepare a response, but the question is likely to be quite general from our school and i am a hopeless creatvie writer, so I am going to do it anyway lol.
so i have done a practice one, a lettet written by a man to his sister.he is of the gentry class, who goes up north to meet a woman who he hopes to make his wife, as she is slightly higher than him and rich, and he would like to imporve his social position. however, when he meets her he finds her too dull and boring, to rigid and conventional for his liking. she then insults the theories of charles darwin (of which he is a firm believer), so he leaves the house with a great dislike of her character and firmly set that he will not marry her.
then while writing this to his sister, he receives a letter from home. he pauses to read it and discovers that Overend Gurney and Company (a bank that went broke in 1886) has gone bust and their family has lost all their money. he immediately decides to marry the woman, comprimising his own happiness for the sake of his class and his family
do you guys think this is an ok conflict between the individual and society. i just don;t know if the tension/conlfict is really strong enough. any help tonight would be awesome! thanks
so i have done a practice one, a lettet written by a man to his sister.he is of the gentry class, who goes up north to meet a woman who he hopes to make his wife, as she is slightly higher than him and rich, and he would like to imporve his social position. however, when he meets her he finds her too dull and boring, to rigid and conventional for his liking. she then insults the theories of charles darwin (of which he is a firm believer), so he leaves the house with a great dislike of her character and firmly set that he will not marry her.
then while writing this to his sister, he receives a letter from home. he pauses to read it and discovers that Overend Gurney and Company (a bank that went broke in 1886) has gone bust and their family has lost all their money. he immediately decides to marry the woman, comprimising his own happiness for the sake of his class and his family
do you guys think this is an ok conflict between the individual and society. i just don;t know if the tension/conlfict is really strong enough. any help tonight would be awesome! thanks