Well Voldemort have the one shot kill trick but theres no way he can kill vader WHY??
1. Voldemort is just a feared wizard in the wizardry world of Harry Potter but he himself is a mortal and he have his own fear (shown in book). Vader however can play mind tricks on people since voldemort himself have emotional weakness. Vader could exploit that with his mind trick and left him shivering on ground.
2. Vader can force choke faster then voldemort could use a non-verbal and from the time he get choke he can't wave wand for shit.
3. Background said that light sabre can block viewable spell and shit.
4. Vader...move fast and since spell can miss vader could just easily engage voldemort hand to hand and cut him up with one fluid motion.
5. Vader shit on voldemort on a tie fighter or make voldemort's sissy death eater ran with an entire imperial engagement fleet.
6. Voldemort is so overrated as a powerful wizard i can name 10 wizards, mage, psyker (peepz who use psychic power) and other stuff that can whipe voldemort's ass in a straight on magic duel.