Does anyone have an online copy of the ext 1 and ext 2 cambridge textbooks' worked solutions that they can send? pls dm me if u do. would be greatly appreciated
Does anyone have an online copy of the ext 1 and ext 2 cambridge textbooks' worked solutions that they can send? pls dm me if u do. would be greatly appreciated
It is best to not ask for textbook online here. There have been complaints made about pirating with legal action threatened. A good alternative might be Terry Lee.
Does anyone have an online copy of the ext 1 and ext 2 cambridge textbooks' worked solutions that they can send? pls dm me if u do. would be greatly appreciated
Also Steve Howard is a free textbook online with worked sols (mx2 only)
Give his a look
It's easier compared to Cambridge but still good for worked sols and Q's, our teacher worked from his book all year and I turned out fine (for mx2, mentally not )