when you tilt you body to the left or right when turning, because you are using centripetal acceleration
when a piano drop on your head you thanked god for the KE being HALF mv
when schrodinger can't find his cat, you know why
when a cop stopped you as a driver and asked "do you know how fast you were travelling?!" and you answered: "no, but i know where i am"
when you do applied maths with pictures (thanks gareth who does pure maths who mocks my applied maths assignment)
when you argue witih your maths friends that eistein is more superior than newton in every way
when you know freezing point of water is 273.1 K and pointing point is 100K higher
when you know speed of light is 299 792.5 km/sec
when you don't bother cleaning up your room because you know you will only make the universe messier (2nd lay of thermodynamics)
when you can tell about a trillion photons falls on you at any given minute whilst your friends fail to see the invisible particles...
shoudl mention, got most of my jokes from"