Ahh whatever, the application with them is easy but they will always have
one rule with them - i.e. "Pay the processing fee only
if you will give enough time for the institutions to consider your preferences to receive an offer"
Why do I say that? Because I HAVE been considered for my preferences since I "applied" (without payment) beforee the due date (wherever it is in the uac site) and I WAS going to pay the fee (except not immediately) AFTER that due date somewhere (Which would've gave them a few days to process my money?) to get an offer if I was eligible..but noo, I guess its too late now so whatever ..
I guess I have been a rule breaker but I didn't know their rules that well.. but still, having less than 1 week and a half or so to make a decision of wanting to do your right course if you applied a little late with a charge of a late fee is not enough time to make an inform and decisive decision!