Why don't you just join the military? don't spend your money on some bull crap korean "military-like" school, get paid to do the real shit that's psychologically developed to discipline you, give you a greater sense of value, and brotherhood.
Then again... recruiting takes about a minimum of 3 months to get through, if you're lucky. none the less, it would be unwise to even think about going to some lamer boot camp with wanna bes who scream their lungs out at you, it doesn't teach you anything, it doesn't insight authority, it makes people look like giant douche bags infront of others.
But... if you must go... what i've learnt from Kapooka, is to use rapport, commenality... bitch about your Staff, not around them, or near them... but its a great topic you'll have in commen. other wise small talk should suffice.