whats the multiplayer gameplay like in cod4? is it like CS how when u die i gotta wait for round to finish before respawning, or is there some general deathmatch/team deathmatch where u keep respawning until u reach a certain number of kills.
is there ctf? can u play with bots?
and whats the weapons like, as in, do u start off with certain weapons, are there player classes, or do u find and pic up weapons UT3 style?
Deathmatch: you die... and you respawn instantly (or some servers have 5sec to 10 sec restrictions).
you have Sabotage, Domination, Headquarters, Search & Destroy, Capture the flag, and free-for-all (everyone man for themselves).
You cant play with bots, so when playing LAN, its only you vs your friend.
Every player starts on the same level with the same guns and perks. As you advance with getting more kills, more headshots, more melees, more grenade launching etc, you earn more points towards advancing up a level and class, where you get more: guns, gun attachments, perks.
and like UT3 if you kill someone, there gun drops to the ground and you can pick it up and use it for that round until you die.