Money. It buys a lifestyle.
Lets say person A takes a job cooking for Contiki tours in Europe. They get to see Europe for free - yay! It pays shit, they have to deal with drunk bogans all the time. Person B works for a heartless professional services firm (law, accountancy, etc) and makes a bundle. They pay money and go on an awesome holiday, where they want, when they want, with whom they want and doing what they want.
Realistically the only lifestyle jobs which are better than just making a pile of money are the ones where you don't have to work at all and just do [insert awesome stuff here] all the time. Newsflash: They don't exist. No one will pay you to have fun and do no work.
Pro-athletes might enjoy their sport - probably not the part where they train all day every day and have strict diets. Travel journalists end up jetlagged, catching midnight flights, staying in crap hotels and living hand-and-mouth hoping that their stories sell. Etc Etc.
Time to grow up and earn money folks.