I, myself, have aims for an ATAR of 78+. Not as high as some, but you'd think for someone who aims lower than the stereotypical 'nerd', I'd have a social life.
Haha, yeah right. I rarely go out, I spend almost all of my free time playing video games. I have friends, two of which aim to get ATAR's of 95+. One of them, you could call the social 'retard', he's pretty much worse than me. However, the other has a healthy social life, plays golf on weekends and spends time with friends and family.
But I don't like the stereotyping. Not all students who aim for very high ATAR's are social retards with no life. A lot of them have fun, go out with friends, party etc. Though, I can also understand where that stereotyping comes from, some people are like that.