+ repAlternatively, they then thank someone besides themselves when something in their life goes right. So their selfishness when something goes wrong is cancelled out by their selflessness when something goes right.
Two-way street, dude.
But Trinity Grammar isn't a charity. It's a service-provider, where people pay cash at the market rate for the provision of Trinity's services. Granted, those market prices are phenomenal to you or I, but because of a low supply of places at the school, they can afford to marginalise 99% of the demanders, and evidently the 700 families remaining have a far greater marginal benefit that they derive from Trinity's services, and hence have a higher reservation price.
Just because the school has slapped the title of a religion over their gates doesn't obligate them to be a charity.
And provide for emotional and spiritual needs of their followers, which the scientific community has thus far failed to do so in any comprehensive way.
I think if you actually read the New Testament you'd find that Jesus told the Apostles that he had come to destroy the old rules of Judaism and usher in a new era of a merciful God.
Iron, I need chapter and verse reference here please.
There are certain legitimate concerns that religions have with scientific advance and modern culture. The issue of abortion is one very obvious and contentious issue.
But very few holymen in the Western world openly and absolutely oppose scientific advance. The vast majority simply realise (truthfully, too) that scientific advance is amoral, and the new discoveries or technologies can as often be used for evil as for good (see nuclear fission as the obvious example). Religions in the West mostly wish to guide scientific advance along it's path, not to halt it entirely. They want to give morality and humanity to something which far too often deals only with cold, hard facts.
Not that I'm a hardcore believer or anything. I just think it's unfair when people get totally shredded for their belief in a higher power by people who consider their scientific knowledge as the utmost authority...not saying that everyone who takes the scientific POV is like that by any means, but you know what I'm saying.