Well, there's no specific WAY to study as it is YOUR understanding and interpretation of the text, but ...
Read the text if you haven't already. IN DEPTH. It would also pay to pick up a pen and highlighter to make notes throughout.
Consider all the themes present throughout the play. Google "hamlet themes" if you need too. Connect these themes to the techniques used by Shakespeare in Hamlet. Google this too, if needed.
RESEARCH. Gather information on context! Context is evident beneath the themes and should be discussed in your essays?
Furthermore, you'll need a thorough understanding of "textual integrity" - VERYYY important part of MOD B. Should/must be discussed in some form in every essay you do?
Also, you SHOULD look at the rubric - now. Summarise/simplify. Rewrite into terms YOU will understand, if needed.
Email your teacher and ask for help! And if your teacher is a prat, hit up your friends for their English teachers emails.
And, remember, this is YOUR understanding of Hamlet. Discuss your thoughts on Hamlet in relevance to whatever question you get/your argument, IN DEPTH/DETAIL! You, honestly, cannot go wrong.
If you justify your ideas and so on with quotes/themes/etc, they pretty much can't tell you that you are wrong.
Finally, google for some Hamlet practice questions and just get stuck into them! The more you write, the faster you'll learn and the easier things will be to remember come exam day.
So. That's about it, I think?
Good luck with Hammie!