If I had to describe my political persuation, it would be socially quite far to the left. Economically i'm more on the fence, and reserve the right for my position to change. I would say that our economic balance is not too bad, although more liberalisation, independence and accountability needs to be worked into the system. For instance, less restrictions on hiring and firing, and the elimination of a progressive tax system in favour of a flat tax. Furthermore, there's almost a whole welfare class of people who need to be weaned off benefits and thrown into the workforce, with assistance/training where necessary. Relatively few under-65's on long-term benefits are completely incapable of any kind of employment. Public housing needs to be seriously consolidated (almost eliminated) and largely replaced with affordable housing initiatives. Public housing should be only for emergency/crisis accomodation and for exceptional circumstances.
Then again, I support sensible public transport development, more proactive government participation in urban planning and beautification, basic gov't homeless shelters as well as general infrastructure building initiated by the government.
So, now comes the question, which political party fits these views? The mainstream Labor and Liberal parties have it significantly wrong IMO. The Greens have it correct socially, but are at this point too economically radical for my liking. Libertarian views are somewhat like mine, but often just go too far. Jeez, I don't know. Anyone have suggestions?