It's only because of bigoted idiots that the kid would be teased. The problem in this area of concern lies with the idiotic perpetrators of the bullying not the gay parents or child.
RE: Iron. Homosexuality is not detrimental to human society. There is a significant percentage of the human population, who, for reasons beyond their control are gay and DO NOT find the opposite sex attractive. They either die single and alone or form loving mutually beneficial relationships. WHAT THEY DO DOES NOT AFFECT YOU. They take NOTHING away from society. They are not murders who take lives, they are not rapists who take the dignity from unwilling subjects, they are not wife bashers who slap their subject into submission. I don't see in any way why it concerns you people so much.
As for natural law, homosexuality is an occurance beyond the individual's control. When you're gay, believe me, the attractions and feelings you feel really do seem 100% instinctive and natural.