I am so conflicted right now. I was all set on doing commerce but then I was looking through some of my friend's old textbooks and commerce seems so boring and mathsy. Plus I don't know what majors I'd want to do. I look at the managers at work and there is no way I'd want to have their job. (I work at woolies). It's making me think management wouldn't be for me. How did you all decide on doing commerce? What's your motivation?
Well I didn't mind business in high school, so yeah thats why I chose it.
But to break up the monotony of doing straight commerce, i'm doing a double degree with communication and media studies, which is actually really fun, except for understanding audiences.
The only mathsy sort of subjects you HAVE to do are accountancy and an economic and maybe a finance one.
You could also see communication and media studies and do the advertising/marketing specialisation if thats what you're interested in.
I don't think I chose commerce because I absolutely love it, but it was interesting, and gives you some useful skills for life.