Discussions such as this always provide deeper insights into the pathological, misguided and even suicidal thought processes of so many white people today. To even approach something like female genital mutilation and those that practice it, as an ingrained fixture of their culture as a matter deserving not of outright rejection but controversy, is an unspeakable example of the sheer power of the intellectual forces that divide and deracinate Western man. It is the destructive altruistic behavior of Western man, a compassion extended far beyond all reasonable limits, that compels him to accept what is not in his own interests; to allow the presence of the savage, and the savage's attendant worthlessness, in his close quarters. If Western man has a weakness, it is his guilt over his own success, and an unnecessary feeling of obligation to share his success with the unsavoury skraelings that have always fell below him.
The mutiliators and audacious minorities continue to try his patience and to twist his own thought processes into convincing himself that their own mediocrity is his enrichment. Someday his patience will run out and the agitators will have their own bile-spewing mouths shut for them.