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Katter's Australian Party (1 Viewer)


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
Among his policies are:
- Repeal a carbon tax, if in place;
- Legislate to limit Woolworth and Coles to 22.5 per cent market share each;
- Deregulate industries like dairy;
- Make ethanol mandatory to reduce petrol prices;
- Significantly increase customs duty on products coming into Australia; and
- Relax recreational fishing rules.
- give indigenous Australians formal deeds to land they hold under native title


Other parties he has founded



Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Free Trade

Why are we supporting jobs in China, shutting down our industries and selling off our country to overseas corporations?

Back in 1986, when Paul Keating started the push for a ‘free market’, the Australian economy was stripped of all its defences. The Howard government continued the work with even more zeal and now both major parties champion the scrapping of subsidies, tariffs and government preferences for Australian manufacturing – All in the name of “Free Trade”.

These policies left only 2 possibilities;

1. Work under Chinese conditions – wage levels, environmental standards and work settings ...or.2. Close down all our manufacturing, agriculture and industry.

Since that time, it’s fairly obvious to see the effect on our industries.

86% of cars on our roads used to be Australian made. Now only 21%,
One of Australia’s biggest ship builders, NQEA used to employ 1000 people. Now 60. The story for untold numbers of other companies across all markets is the same.
We were once 95% self-sufficient in oil, now we’re only 65%. So now we’re at the mercy of the world’s major oil producing nations for our supply and the corporation controlled markets for our price.
Our mining industry was once almost entirely Australian owned, as was dairy, sugar, meat process, railways and major construction. This is most certainly not the case today.
Sheep numbers have dropped from 174 million to 68million (In 1990, 15% of all Australian exports came from wool)
We used to have 33 million cattle. Now only 26 million.

Over the last 10 years Australia has signed free trade agreements with Singapore, Thailand and the USA. According to a report commissioned by the Victorian Branch of the Electrical
Trades Union, even the Singapore free trade agreement has cost us jobs in the
manufacturing sector.

It is estimated that in total the three agreements have cost Australia 26,000 manufacturing jobs.

In the case of each country our imports have increased faster than our exports and, in the case of Singapore, our exports have gone backwards.

In the case of Thailand the composition of our trade has changed. Exports of vehicles fell from $4.6 million in 2005 to $1.8 million in 2007 while imports of motor vehicles tripled from $1 billion in 2004 to $3 billion.

If Julia Gillard has her way Australia will sign a free trade agreement with China. According to the ETU’s report, the best we could hope for is to lose another 7,000 jobs to China. The worst case would be the loss of another 160,000 jobs.

The Australian Party is committed to providing support and protection to Australian industries and reversing this madness, bringing jobs back home and reviving our once proud manufacturing and agriculture industries. To see this happen, we will push to ensure;

Australia does not sign any more free trade agreements, especially with countries like
China, the social, labour, environment and financial policies of which make it
impossible for Australia to compete.
A law is implemented requiring the Parliament to approve treaties before they are
signed. Presently the Government of the day simply signs the Australian people up to watever international treaty takes their fancy without any requirement to consult the parliament of the people.
All Governments, where practical to purchase Australian goods only. The very first
place where this should be implemented is through the purchase of Australian made cars for all governmental departments. Where governments can’t source locally made products they should be required to purchase imported product through Australian companies to allow opportunities for value adding, innovation, employment and the development of local warranty, repair and support facilities.

Lets once again become proud to be Australian Made.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Keep our State Assets

The Australian Party will stop the Labor Party and the LNP selling off Queensland’s State owned power stations.
We will stop the sale of the Abbott point Coal terminal
We will stop any further sales of our strategic State owned assets and we will implement strategies to see a reversal of past asset sales where practicable.

Our state owned assets should be kept as state owned assets!

Australians have worked hard over the years to build and develop these assets and today, should be reaping their rewards and benefits. Our roads, ports and railways, water and electricity, the Snowy River Scheme are all infrastructure we should be immensely proud of.

The situation though, is that both of today’s bigger political parties seem determined to place these assets in the hands of multi- national corporations, selling them off in order to fund superficial projects aimed, not at bettering our country, but at protecting their own jobs at the next election. Time and time again, this has proven to deliver nothing but higher prices, and the loss of jobs.

This is something you will notice every time you pay for your electricity.

Since 2004, your average household bill has risen over $500 and is now flagged to rise again. One can only imagine the rise we will suffer if more of our electricity is sold to money- hungry corporations.

It's just not right that corporations (many foreign owned) end up getting the benefit of what has taken hard working Australians generations to build and pay off. Particularly when the generations that follow are left to pay the price, every day.

"Governments should provide essential services such as airports, water, electricity, gas, health services, road networks, public transport and communications. Where such services are not provided by government, government should ensure that the services are affordable for all and of a reasonable standard".

Core Values and Principles, #9


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Fair Food

We will bust up the Coles/Woolworths duopoly.” Hon Bob Katter MP

'Free market' policies and a failure by Government to act in the best interests of Australia, have directly led to a local market place bereft of competition, dominated by only two
major supermarket chains.

This dominance has now swollen to over 85%. By comparison, the largest chain in the United States, Wal-Mart, is restricted to only 20%. This concentrated market power has drastic effects on all levels of the economic chain. Other retailers are crushed, farm gate prices
are squeezed down and with no competition, consumer prices are inflated meaning
higher grocery bills.

Something must be done to halt the erosion of our consumer markets.

Recognising this, The Australian Party has vowed to restore competition to the market place. In order to break this two chain oligopoly, the following measures must be implemented

Any individual chain's share must not exceed 22%. This will restore competition, particularly encouraging owner operators and independent retailers.
A Supermarket Fairness Tribunal must be established. The ACCC has consistently proven itself ineffective in preventing the gross misuse of market share that has been occurring. This tribunal would provide an effective avenue of recourse to prevent such misuse.

To provide fair grocery prices, fair farm gate prices and opportunity for owner operators, a competitive marketplace must exist. This cannot take place when only two players control
nearly all the retail dollar. Unlike the other bigger parties, The Australian Party is committed to returning to a market place where competition delivers a fair and level playing field.

"In principle non-government monopoly power should not be allowed and limits should be placed where possible on the proportion of the market any entity controls.
Governments must ensure that a concentration of market power does not occur, whether such concentration is monopolistic, oligopolistic or just unfairly out of balance".
Core Values and Principals, # 7 and 8


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Core Values and Principles

  1. Every Member of the Party, including Members of Parliament, will, in making decisions, vote in the interests of their electorate, consistent with their conscience and in accordance with the following values and principles.
  2. Modern Australia was founded on Christian values and a responsibility to ones fellow man. This heritage belongs to all Australians and defines the culture of the nation. The ideals for Australian society and government should be based upon these principles.
  3. Governments are accountable to the Australian people for the management of outcomes that protect and enhance both the social and economic fabric of the Australian people and the sovereignty and independence of the Australian nation.
  4. Governments should develop and promote policies which maintain and advance a modern mixed economic system that will ensure economic growth, full employment, equitable distribution of income, rising living standards, prosperity, opportunity and equality of access to such opportunity for all Australians, to ensure:
    1. freedom of speech and expression which should not be abused by intimidation, malice, violence or wilful intolerance;
    2. equality of opportunity;
    3. equality before the law;
    4. social cohesion;
    5. acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability;
    6. support for those in genuine need while that need exists
    7. encouragement and nurturing of individual initiative, and the development of every person’s, and especially children’s, talents and skills to the maximum;
    8. responsibility to contribute; and
    9. respect for all talents, skills and occupations, regardless of the level of formal education required to acquire them.
  5. Australia's sovereignty and independence as a nation requires Australia to:
    1. have a sufficient Defence Force to deter invasion and to prevent any territorial intrusion or threat;
    2. maintain strategic defence industry capabilities to ensure Australia is self-sufficient in the manufacture of strategic Defence requirements;
    3. establish and nurture relationships and alliances to secure support and assistance in times of peril;
    4. exercise appropriate stewardship and development of our resources;
    5. have a strong economy which is as self-sufficient as is practicable;
    6. be self-sufficient in the production of food and to ensure security of food supply;
    7. ensure that Australia’s food is produced in a disease-free environment and that the importing of diseases which threaten our food supply does not occur;
    8. ensure security of strategic resources, including minerals;
    9. have a sufficient population and for that population to be so distributed as to demonstrate occupation, control and utilisation of our land, water and other resources; and
    10. put Australia’s interests first in respect to ownership of agricultural land, corporations, utilities, resources, and the means of production and ensure that foreign ownership or control of resources and agricultural production only occurs when it is in the national interest and does not undermine or threaten Australia’s independence and sovereignty.
  6. Governments must ensure that every Australian is, and in particular employees, farmers and franchisees are, able to bargain collectively to protect and promote their economic interests and that all, wherever practicable, have access to compulsory arbitration.
  7. In principle non-government monopoly power should not be allowed and limits should be placed where possible on the proportion of the market any entity controls.
  8. Governments must ensure that a concentration of market power does not occur, whether such concentration is monopolistic, oligopolistic or just unfairly out of balance.
  9. Governments should provide essential services such as airports, water, electricity, gas, health services, road networks, public transport and communications. Where such services are not provided by government, government should ensure that the services are affordable for all and of a reasonable standard.
  10. Australians must have the freedom to pursue outdoor recreational activities of their choice including hunting, shooting, fishing, boating, camping, 4-wheel driving, horse riding, rock climbing, and bushwalking without unnecessary limitations and restrictions.
  11. Vacant land such as State Forest and some unallocated lands and seas now designated as "off-limits" are to be owned and accessible by the people. They are not the exclusive domain of the "Crown".
  12. Resources should be developed and utilised whilst at the same time fulfilling our obligation to future generations that such utilisation does not needlessly or irresponsibly result in the degradation of those resources.
  13. Homes are to be safe and exclusive havens for all those who reside within them.
  14. Home ownership is critical to people's sense of freedom, independence and personal security and to facilitating the raising and nurturing of children. All Australians, including our First Australians, must have the ability to own their homes and governments must implement policies to make home ownership attainable for all Australians.
  15. Government interference in people's lives must finish at the family fence or property boundary. Legislation overriding all other laws must provide that intrusion and interference upon that household can only occur where human health and life is in serious and immediate jeopardy.
  16. Property owners may do what is reasonably required to ensure the security of their family, their property and themselves as well as to ensure its quiet and safe enjoyment.
  17. Where governments diminish the value of a person's property, the government must compensate that person by paying just compensation.
  18. Because it is in the economic and social interests of the community, laws in their enactment and application must support and uphold marriage. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, ideally for life. It is in the best of interests of children that they are nurtured by their father and their mother and laws concerning children should be based on the best interests of children.
  19. It is the duty of government to:
    1. ensure that bank lending provides real wealth creation in terms of improvements to the quality of life of the average Australian;
    2. prevent the flow of credit creation into speculation and predatory activity; and
    3. ensure that the wealth creators and risk takers are not subject to a one sided and unrestrained banking foreclosure policy.
  20. Governments must ensure that all Australians have access to necessary finance at affordable prices and that financial institutions do not abuse their financial powers. If necessary, governments should intervene in markets to ensure that these principles are achieved and that government is involved in the process of the provision of finance and credit to provide inter alia a bench-marking.
  21. Australia needs to increase its population to achieve acceptable levels of economic, scientific, strategic and personal development. Government must develop immigration and birth rate policies consistent with these principles. In addition, the population growth needs to be distributed widely throughout Australia and especially into northern Australia.


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
Mandatory Ethanol.

Way to piss off the motorcyclists


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
The party won't win any seats outside of Kennedy based primarily on the party name but if it can attract some strong local candidates that would be competitive as Independant's in their own right, Katter's presence might drag them ahead of the nats. Dunno who though, Barnaby is quite popular with those protectionist types.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
all ncap posters should join this party for the lulz

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