Wow, so much confusion about scaling...
So here is a very simple foolproof way of understanding it (tell me if it needs clarifying)
1. Remember your final hsc mark is made up of 50% your external exam, this is how you go in the hsc exam which EVERYONE in the state does, marked with exact same guidelines. This mark is purely dependent on your performance in the single exam and will not change.
2. The other half of your hsc mark for each subject is made up of your internal mark, which is moderated. This is how moderation works:
a) Everyone in a school does assessments and are ranked. The ranks are sent to BoardOfStudies, along with marks, so that they can gage the 'gaps' between students.
b) Everyone in the school then goes and does the extternal hsc exam. The pperformance of all the students in a school are what determines how the marks are moderated.
- For example, the average mark in internal assessments is 70, but then in the hsc exam, the average mark for that sschool is 80. The internal marks are then moderated so that 80 is the new average, and everyyone's marks woulld be pushhed up accorrdingly. (Note this works both ways, ie if a sschool performs poorlly externally.)
- The top internall ranked person will get the school's top extternal mark (eeven if they did not do the best in externals), last internal ranked pperson gets the worst hsc mark. Everyyone elses marks are somewhere in between, higher rank means higher mark.
So since the main question seems to be, what happens if I beat someone in externals but did worse than them internally! Their internal mark will always be higher tha you,, bt your external mark will be better. Each make up 50% so it comes down to how much you beaat each other in both...
(Sorry for the typos, I'm using a touchscreen)