Hey year 12 students!
As the time for your schooling draws to a close and the HSC exams are getting closer, I know it's hard to keep motivated to study, and sometimes it's hard to study alone...
So, on Saturday 8th October we are having a day of FREE TUTORING for HSC students! Here's the details:
When: Saturday 8th October, 10am-4pm.
Where: The Salvation Army Hurstville (Cnr Bond & Dora Streets).
What: University students are coming to tutor you year 12 students. We will also give you a BBQ lunch and provide snacks throughout the day.
Cost: This event is free, however if you'd like to help us cover costs, then a gold coin donation would be appreciated.
More info: Join http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/study.lounge.HSA/ for more details. RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=266494226705862
Hope to see you there
Dana Townsend
(currently studying BSci(Maths)/BEd at UNSW)