What did you think of multiple choice?i actually found it quite okay. if you did dss as one of your option topics, anyone else agree the part about GIS was absolutely the shittest part of the paper?
I ran out of time cause I wrote to much lolI went into the test without even one minute of study, as I was expecting IPT not to count towards my ATAR as I am better in all my other subjects... and I feel like I did really well regardless of this - Around 70-80%?
Feels bad man... I could've gotten a higher mark...
it was alright i suppose..very different from previous years ill admit. some of the questions were VERY easy while others were much harder to answer, mainly on things that dont really matter such as the bandwidth of blutooth lolWhat did you think of multiple choice?
Really? I had so much time to spare I even asked for more booklets if my work was messy and I STILL walked out early...I ran out of time cause I wrote to much lol
+1.Yeah GIS was so shit. So much in that paper I wasn't prepared for. Regardless, alot of the extended answers you can bullshit, including the 'discuss the issues' questions.
lol. was a crappy question ill admitIt was alright. The only one are really screwed up was on Question 23 or 24 there was a question about designing a database view or something. I had no idea what that was about so I skipped it and come back to it 1 minute before the exam ended, and just draw 2 tables with random headings. I still have no idea what I did.
i dont remember very much, but i wrote about privacy and freedom of information about the data that the cameras would be collecting etc..i wrote a lot lolAnyway, what did you guys write for the Social and Ethical issues involved with the Licence plate cameras? I got a little stuck on that one..
I finish my yearly with an hour to go, now I finish in time, and I did like shot loads of practice on multiple choice and always fullmark, this years was screwed. I forgot how to draw a decision tree, and I looked at one 5 minutes before walking in Fml..Much harder than expected
Did independent trials this year, had almost an hour left.
Today, I needed to work till the end... almost ran out of time.
Multiple choice questions, some were BS. Obscure and weren't clear.
Very different to the past few years..
I hope I can still achieve the ATAR I want..