Re: how long does commerce degree (cadetship) take? I have no idea sorry..
I'm just curious about the logistics of full timing university with full time work. I'm also studying a law degree, and I was planning to part time law after I get a graduate job. (After I graduate commerce)
Also, what is the social life like, full timing university with full time work?
Is it possible to full time university with full time law. At UNSW Law, each course is 4h a week, so full time law would consist of 16h, spread over 5 days. (~3h a day after work) This would mean that you'd have to be at university from 6-9 everyday after working a 9-5 shift at work. (I don't know whether it is similar with UTS Law)
In terms of the way that the timing works out, it is quite hectic to be able to make up all the time so that I can still be doing the core work hours, and we only get 3.5 hours off for study leave per week, which makes it even harder to be able to make up the time! I get into the office at 8 every morning and have been working through a few of my lunchtimes so that I can make up the time, so it is a lot of effort and can be exhausting at times. If you were to part-time it, it would probably be easier for you to fit it in around work, as doing 1-2 subjects can be more easily fit around work commitments I think, as you can go to uni say from 5-9pm (for law subjects) on 2 days a week, and that time that you need to make up at work is then only a few small amount (if anything at all, as I'm sure you'd be entitled to university leave).
The social life.. well, I must admit, it is quite non-existent in terms of the fact that as I'm working 5 days a week, I don't really have much time to be doing uni work on weekdays when I get home (considering this semester I've had uni 3 days a week), and then on the weekends, I largely have to allocate time to my studies/university work. That being said, I have had a few days on a few weekends where I've initiated/others have initiated things, e.g. birthdays, which I have thought 'I'll get up a few hours earlier in the morning, put in time and then I can go out at night' so I do reward myself/have a bit of downtime and time to myself! I think that is really important, as it is easy to burn-out with such a hectic full-time uni/full-time work load!
In terms of whether it's possible to full-time university with full-time law... well next semester, I am doing 14 hours of university! That is largely because one law subject I am doing is 7 hours per week, the other is 4 hours per week, and then the one accounting major subject (also from the law faculty) is 3 hours per week. I have arranged my timetable and thought about the way that I can attempt to make up the time, and it will involve a lot of backwards and forwards things on my part, i.e. going to work, leaving for uni, coming back to work and then going back to uni. It will be exhausting though, I am mentally preparing myself for it, but I'm willing to give it a go and see how it all pans out! And also don't forget that full-time university is typically 18 credit points or more (which in many cases is 3 subjects or 4 subjects), and some law subjects (at least at UTS) are worth more credit points than commerce subjects.
Hope this gives you a bit of insight!