Bored as brew
I know this isn't a bio thread but seeing as there isnt a section for PDHPE (or at least i couldnt find it) i thought i'd just ask what people reckon cut-offs for pdhpe are?
no shit champion, i used bio coz i couldnt find the pdhpe sectionThis is Biology???
nice attitude when you're asking for helpno shit champion, i used bio coz i couldnt find the pdhpe section
go to the General Discussion or the ATAR shit champion, i used bio coz i couldnt find the pdhpe section
ahaha, sorry i dont spend my whole day on this sitego to the General Discussion or the ATAR section.
It's really not that difficult to understand.
Ugh, you people disgust me.
Yet you, come here asking for our help. Fail troll is failahaha, sorry i dont spend my whole day on this site