Hey! I didn't do maimonides, but I might be able to give you a few tips on bioethics and synagogue services. I really want to recommend the textbook 'Revise in a month studies of religion' its a small book and quite old but it is AMAZING. It has everything summarised concisely. I basically memorised all of it and got 92 overall...and i didn't finish!
-Focus on around 2-3 specific teachings. I think I did abortion and whatever its called when you want to die (oh my gosh, can't remember what its called!) Basically explain the teaching with a particular focus on what Jews believe. Chuck in a quote from the scriptures. If I remember correctly Jews are totally against killing people if they want to and are generally against abortion except if its under 40 days, because its still only considered water. something like that.
-Talk about all the aspects of the synagogue, such as the candles, the books and prayers. You may be asked about the link to individuals and communities, so make sure you talk about how it serves as a place for spiritual revitalisation, study and peace and also brings the community together during rituals/services etc.
If you have specific questions let me know!