Good luck? Thanks, Trebla. I won't try out for... a few years though.
I was playing a game of '400' with some friends - basically you 'call' how many 'tricks' you can win at the start of each round. And of the 4 players, the 'calls' must sum to at least 11 or it's a reshuffle.
The calls were: 3, 2, 3, 2.
And then they called reshuffle. And I stopped them and was like "wait, why are we reshuffling?" and they said "the calls didn't sum to 11".
And then I said: "Yes, it does... 3, 2, 3, 2... it's 12, isn't it?"
and then they blank stared me and then i was like "OHHHHHHHHHH oops sorry"