C'mon, 93.25 I know is not 'super' but at least it's a good ATAR.
And secondly, it's not nice to actually offend him. He is quite a nice person, and respects other peoples ideas and beliefs. I'm not saying that he is very 'bright' but at least he did his best. I guess you probably aren't religious then... atheist? Anyways, I'm not religious but still... Oh by the way you are a very narrow minded individual (no offence).
It's not like they had a plethora of choices of good degrees at good unis.
They couldn't do law anywhere apart from Notre Dame and UWS. Couldn't do advanced science anywhere other than UWS. Etc.
How was that offensive?
I just find it silly that based on the religious affiliation of a university you would go there, when you could go somewhere that is supposedly better, offerers a better programme, etc. and still get all your religious needs fulfilled via the religious societies on campus, bible groups, church on weekends or whenever, etc.
Also, I wouldn't go to a Uni just because my friend was going there either.
I chose to go to usyd even though my friend was going to UWS and they offered me a $5k/year scholarship, just because I thought USyd was better, and I sort of wanted to keep maths for a little bit longer, and wanted to do engineering and science where the programmes weren't completely shit.
I don't think either of the things your friend considered deciding factors are factors an intelligent individual would consider deciding factors, because he could probs see his friend on the weekend, plus all the stuff I said above about religious stuff.