Does society require religious instruction to invent these commandments? Isn't common sense equally adequate sources for such morals? I personally don't believe in objective morality, and while those commandments sound good, in certain cases they may not be quite so appealing.What is wrong with those values though? 'Thou shalt not kill', 'though shall not steal' - seem alright to me.
But what about everything else illustrated the bible? What about the sex-before-marriage, anti-homosexuality, praising God's every word out of fear of eternal condemnation, stoning girls to death because they refuse to marry their rapist? The "Ten Commandments", while seemingly appealing to those who need someone else to construct their moral codes because they are unable to think of that for themselves, only consists of a small portion of the text contained in the Bible. There's good and bad things of course, just like anything, but I don't think following the Bible is necessary or constructive when creating our moral code.